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Course modified date: 21 September 2024


Section wise Test

You can take practice tests in Gynaecology. There are 1084 questions in this subject spread over forty four chapters ,; Anatomy ; Antepartum Haemorrhage ; Antinatal Care ; Birth Control ; Carcinoma of the Endometrium ; Complications of the Third Stage of Labour ; Conception Pathology ; Contracted Pelvis, Abnormal Uterine Action ; Diagnosis of pregnancy ; Disorders of Menstruation ; Disorders of the Ovary ; Dysplasias and Carcinoma of the Cervix ; Ectopic Gestation ; Endocrinology ; Endometriosis and Adenomyosis ; Fetal skull and Maternal pelvis ; Fetus in Utero ; Fetus, Physiological Changes during Pregnancy ; Fibromyomas of the Uterus ; Gynaecological Diagnosis ; Haemorrhage in Early Pregnancy, Abortion, MTP ; Histology, Physiology ; Hormonic therapy in Gynaecology ; Inflammation of the Uterus, Prolapse ; Injuries to the Birth Canal ; LBW Baby, Diseases of Fetus and NewBorn ; Malformations of female generative organs ; Malposition, malpresentation, Cord Prolapse ; Medical, Surgical, Gynaecological Disorders ; Miscellaneous ; Multiple Pregnancy, Polyhydramnios, Placenta ; Normal Labour ; Normal Puerperium ; PID, Broad Ligament, Fallopian tubes and Parametrium ; Placenta and Fetal Membranes ; Preterm Labour, Premature Rupture of Membranes ; Prolonged Labour, Obstructed Labour Dystocia ; Reproduction Fundamentals ; Special Cases ; STD, Tuberculosis of the Genital Tract ; Trophoblastic Diseases ; Urinary System Diseases ; Vomiting and Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy ; Vulva, Vagina

  • Enrolled students: 1
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